Auntie Neh did a very special thing for the kids this year, she emailed santa and told him how good the kids have been and gave him some special information, and so santa emailed both the kids with a special message talking about how old they are, what special things they did this year, what they want to be when they grow up and what might be under the tree for them this year, it was very special and the kids loved it! Thanks Auntie Neh!

Tracking Santa with Norad. We always seem to catch Santa when he's around the South Sandwhich Islands, we find this very funny!

The best picture I could get of the kids posing with their new Christmas Eve Pj's

Slow and Steady with the milk and cookies for santa

Santa brought a new workbench for Carter, he hasn't stopped drilling and sawing EVERYTHING in the house, including Olivia's new doll house.

Doll houses aren't just for barbies mom! She keeps yelling out "ZUZU DATE!!" And her Zuzu's have a playdate in the elevator of her doll house LOL.

For Christmas the kids Great Grandma Favreau knitted all the kids a pair of slippers, so we took this picture that we'll send to her so show her how much the kids love them, they look so comfy that we'd all like a pair!

Everyone assembled for Christmas

Traditional Paper crown shots

Carter decked out in his new policeman uniform

Carter got this HUGE remote control car from his great Aunt and Uncle, it's big enough to fit Hop hop in, Carter was trying to drive it, but then got scared when he drove it over his feet, so daddy drove it and chased everything and anything he could!