Saturday, December 23, 2006
Ohhh, Super Pooper!
K, so Olivia wasn't the best at feeding in the hospital and when we first brought her home because she had to be intibated when she was born. So poops were few, ok non existant! Till yesterday morning that is. She had her first icky one (u parents will know what i mean, yuck!) But then the nurse came by and said she wanted more out of our little one.....more poops that is. So she asked us to keep track of her diaper changes to make sure she was on track in the next couple days. Well, now let me tell you, she's an over achiver. We'll call her super pooper, and she's doing it at the most oportune times, like right after you've changed a wet diaper, you hear this noise or smell this smell and WHAM, dirty diaper. LOL She even waited till daddy had her diaper open and peed and pooped, it was hilarious! She certainly knows how to make us laugh....or at least how to make daddy gag! LOL.
Day 3 & We're Still Kicking...

Things are going well, first nite home didn't go very peachy, but that was to be expected. But last nite went really well, she was only up twice. Tonight will be a test tho, we tried to stick to her schedule as much as possible with the immense visitors we had. But if it doesn't mommy and baby have decided not to leave the house tomorrow anyway, we ventured to Wal-Mart for 30 mins today and it tired both of us out! LOL.
Here is our favorite picture of our beautiful little girl, I don't think there's anything we could ever love more!
Happy Christmas Everyone!
Friday, December 22, 2006
She's Finally Here!!!!!

Well, we're officially a family of three...well technically 5 including the pupps. But little Olivia made her grand entrance on December 20th @ 11:12am. She weighed in at 7lbs 2 ounces and 20.5" long. Last nite was our first nite at home, it was deffinately a long one. she tends to sleep fabulously during the day, but not so great and not very long at nite. But I think it's mom that needs more training than her, she probly doesn't need to be picked up with every little wimper....hmmm! Otherwise we're all doing great! Daddy is such a natural at everything, and she sure does love her daddy.
Take care everyone, more info to come later.
Love The Maks
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Still Waiting....
Just keeping everyone posted. We're still waiting, no labor pains, nothing, nadda, zilch! Going to the Dr. tomorrow so hopefully that'll stir up something, but it didn't work last week :(
HAHA, oh ya, I need to tell you my funny for the week, courtesy of my fabulous loving hubby.
So last night we're lying in bed, and just before we fall asleep, cy says, " So, let me know if you go into labor tonight, ok?" LOL!!!! Sure honey, I'll let you know, not a problem! hehe, gotta love him!
HAHA, oh ya, I need to tell you my funny for the week, courtesy of my fabulous loving hubby.
So last night we're lying in bed, and just before we fall asleep, cy says, " So, let me know if you go into labor tonight, ok?" LOL!!!! Sure honey, I'll let you know, not a problem! hehe, gotta love him!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Playing The Waiting Game.....

So technically my due date is tomorrow, but honestly, the dr said a week ago that the baby could come at any minute, and that kinda sticks in your brain. So the waiting game began. No labor pains yet, no nothing really, tried most of the old wives tales, (they don't work, I swear!) But my dr and I have a plan of action, no matter what we'll have a baby (or at least I'll be induced) by December 20th. But preferably sooner and naturally would be better than later and induction. I've also added another picture, this one is at 40 weeks (technically 10 months) Not much of a difference, but to me, it's a huge difference, babys taking up ALL the room in there, there's no room for my bladder or stomach! Anywhoo, just wanted to keep you all posted, sorry I haven't written much in the last week, been busy getting ready.
Take Care :)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Ok, so I went to the Dr this morning....Everything is going great, baby's good, heart rate is fine. Then she goes, ok, so if you haven't had the baby by next wednesday, we'll have you come in and we'll try to stir up some labor for you......WHAT!!! OMG! Ok, so I knew the baby had to come out at some point, but she's totally cool with stirring things up a couple days before my due date....LOVE HER!! But reality is ya....we're gonna have a baby within two weeks.....14 days.....WHOLY CRAP! LOL. I'm TOTALLY Excited, but kinda freakin out now. Cy's cool as a usual! So um ya. We'll keep y'all posted!
Carley :)
Carley :)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Brrr It's Cold Outside!!!!
Ok, so what's with the weather? Somone has ticked off Mother Nature!!!
Just wanted to give an update on our weekend. Cy and I had a date nite on friday and went and saw Casino Royale, it was fantastic. I take back what I said about bond being blonde! He was awesome!
And on saturday I went over to Trav & Michelle's place, and the girls made christmas cards. Michelle is the most talented person I know! I had so much fun, I can't wait to send out our handmade cards, they look so great! Thanks Michelle, you rock!!!
Ohhh! And Michelle is gonna help me do a scrapbook for the munchkins first year, I'll just have to add in pictures and write in the updates! YAY!!!!
And sunday was vegg day, we lazed around the house, watched some tv and movies then went to mom and dads for a family dinner and a family garage sale, mom was getting rid of the "junk" in the basement, of course it's not junk to us kids, so we all came home with something! hahaha.
Hope you all had a great weekend too!
Keep Warm!
Just wanted to give an update on our weekend. Cy and I had a date nite on friday and went and saw Casino Royale, it was fantastic. I take back what I said about bond being blonde! He was awesome!
And on saturday I went over to Trav & Michelle's place, and the girls made christmas cards. Michelle is the most talented person I know! I had so much fun, I can't wait to send out our handmade cards, they look so great! Thanks Michelle, you rock!!!
Ohhh! And Michelle is gonna help me do a scrapbook for the munchkins first year, I'll just have to add in pictures and write in the updates! YAY!!!!
And sunday was vegg day, we lazed around the house, watched some tv and movies then went to mom and dads for a family dinner and a family garage sale, mom was getting rid of the "junk" in the basement, of course it's not junk to us kids, so we all came home with something! hahaha.
Hope you all had a great weekend too!
Keep Warm!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
On Mat Leave.....Finally...???
Ok, so I realize I couldn't wait to get to this point in my pregnancy, I'd have time to sleep and relax and do whatever I pleased. hmmm, sounds fun, but really, it's not. I'm bored outta my skull!!! In a week or so I'll probly settle into a routine but by then, it'll be time for baby to come and then all hell will break loose (which I'm actually looking forward to, I'll have something to do during the day!) I dunno how women relax during this "break" before the baby comes, seriously, there's only so much relaxing you can do! Although I do have to admit, this makes Christmas shopping way easier, the malls are less busy and I don't have to make cy leave the room when I get home with gifts! LOL.
9th Month Picture!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Ahh Yes, That Nesting Instinct...
Ok, so I've come to a conclusion. I've finally realized why women always go crazy before the baby comes with this whole "Nesting Instinct"..... It's because they're SO insanely bored!!!!
I had monday off and cy didn't so I figured, ahhhh a nice day to relax and do nothing.....ummm ya NO!! I had this urge to clean EVERYTHING because I was so bored, daytime tv sucks, the dogs can only have so many walks in one day and I can only spend so much time shopping for baby stuff (ok that can keep going, but eventually I'll run out of money) but staying at home with no baby to care for's almost a punishment! And with tomorrow looming as my last day at work, I'm starting to get a bit uneasy. I guess there's still the rest of the house to be scoured (I only got to two bathrooms on monday, but damn they're clean!!! LOL) But honestly...i've started praying that this little munchkin comes sooner rather than later, if not I might just show up at your door with a mop and a bucket!!
Have a Fantabulous Day Everyone!
I had monday off and cy didn't so I figured, ahhhh a nice day to relax and do nothing.....ummm ya NO!! I had this urge to clean EVERYTHING because I was so bored, daytime tv sucks, the dogs can only have so many walks in one day and I can only spend so much time shopping for baby stuff (ok that can keep going, but eventually I'll run out of money) but staying at home with no baby to care for's almost a punishment! And with tomorrow looming as my last day at work, I'm starting to get a bit uneasy. I guess there's still the rest of the house to be scoured (I only got to two bathrooms on monday, but damn they're clean!!! LOL) But honestly...i've started praying that this little munchkin comes sooner rather than later, if not I might just show up at your door with a mop and a bucket!!
Have a Fantabulous Day Everyone!
Monday, November 13, 2006
4 Days of Work Left!!!
Well, today I've got the day off and poor cy is stuck at work, but as of tomorrow I've got 4 days of work left, crazy!!!! I can't believe that in.........less than 36 days we'll have a baby! Wow, are we ready for this? LOL I guess we really don't have a choice huh? Everyone keeps asking us if we're ready and if we're excited.....that is such a dumb question, if you've EVER known me at all, HELL YES I'm excited. We've both talked about being parents for years, and now it's about to happen, actually we're more impatient that excited! Hurry up and get here munchkin, we wanna meet you, we can't wait to see what you look like!
Carley :)
Carley :)
Monday, November 06, 2006
New Pictures of the Pupps

I know most of you have seen our pupps, or at least have heard me go on and on about them. They're our first two children....well my first child was actually Cyrus, but we won't go there! HAHAHA!!!
Anywho, just wanted to put up some more recent pictures of them, I like to call this one they're Ode to Snowboarders, hehehe.
Picture of me...ugh!
9 Days of work left!
So today is my 9th last day of work, and thank goodness!!! I don't think I can take the train any longer, people are SO rude, pushing and shoving to get in the doors, let alone the fact that pregnant women are completely ignored and barely ever get a seat!!! (sorry bone of contention there) Other than that training my replacement is going well, it's always hard to hand over your job to someone else who's obviously going to do it differently, but the work is getting done and that's all that matters right! Cy and I have hopefully found a dayhome for next year, there's someone opening one up in our neighborhood next June (seeing as we don't need one till next December! But everyone keeps telling me to look early) so we'll be doing some interviews with her to see how we like everything and hopefully we'll have a dayhome set up by the end of this year...YAY!!! Speaking of the end of the year....well kinda, it's only 48 days till Christmas! Everyone have their shopping started? We've started but nowhere near done! haha. Guess we should get that done early, just in case huh?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone! Well too bad for all the little kids we were expecting tonight, the cold weather has hit and it's only gonna be -11 tonight plus the wind chill...brrrr. But Cy's pretty happy that he'll have all the good candy left over for him! hahaha. The baby is wearing her first halloween costume today at work. We decorated a black t-shirt with an orange felt pumpkin face, it's really cute, I'll post a picture when we take one tonight.
Anyway, just wanted to say Hi to everyone today. Have a fabulous day!
Friday, October 27, 2006
And the countdown begins....
So, I've officially got 15 days of work left, I can't believe how fast this has come, it's really hard cleaning out your desk and realzing you're not gonna be back for a year!! Obviously I'm very excited to start the mommy chapter in my life but all I've known for the last 11 years is get up...go to work....get up....go to it'll be get up....feed....change....sleep....get up....feed....change...sleep...hahaha.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Turning over a new leaf
Well, here I am, starting out on my very first blog, Cy thinks I'm insane but hey, a girls gotta start somewhere right! From here on out we'll be sharing our trials and tribulations with everyone as we embark on our biggest adventure yet.....PARENTHOOD!!! At this moment I'm 8 months, 1 week and 2 days pregnant. We're starting this a little late to share the whole pregnancy, but the best is yet to come.
Hope you all enjoy!
Hope you all enjoy!
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