So technically my due date is tomorrow, but honestly, the dr said a week ago that the baby could come at any minute, and that kinda sticks in your brain. So the waiting game began. No labor pains yet, no nothing really, tried most of the old wives tales, (they don't work, I swear!) But my dr and I have a plan of action, no matter what we'll have a baby (or at least I'll be induced) by December 20th. But preferably sooner and naturally would be better than later and induction. I've also added another picture, this one is at 40 weeks (technically 10 months) Not much of a difference, but to me, it's a huge difference, babys taking up ALL the room in there, there's no room for my bladder or stomach! Anywhoo, just wanted to keep you all posted, sorry I haven't written much in the last week, been busy getting ready.
Take Care :)
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