Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Olivia Slept Thru the Nite!!

Ok, just a quick post to say, YAYYYY!!! Olivia slept thru the nite lastnite, it was awesome! Of course from 5:00 on I kept waking up to check the clock every hour and make sure she was breathing! LOL

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Smile !!!

I was able to catch Olivia's smile for the first time on camera, it's a bit fuzzy, but totally awesome! Mornings are the best time for smiles, she's very much a morning person, too bad her mom isn't!!!

Gimme Foooood!

LOL I couldn't help but put this one up. As soon as I saw it I couldn't stop laughing, I can't even remember when we took this one! LOL.

So the munchkin is doing VERY well! We were at the Dr. this past week and she weighs in at 10 lbs and 3 ounces! WHOO!!! most of it's in her cheeks! LOL.

And sleep, LOTS of sleep, she's sleeping up to 7 hours a nite (that was last night, mommy is super happy!!!!) and then she feeds and goes down for another 3. YAY!

Sadly this fabulous sleep has to come to an end, at least for a couple days, she's due for her 6 week growth spurt here pretty soon so our house will become......cranky central!! At least that's how Cy would put it!

Updates on mom and dad..... not much! hahaha

This past saturday was my monthly dinner club get together with the girls from work, it was indonesian food. YUMMY! Lindsay's chicken was FABULOUS!!! And we all polished off more than our share of Crystals brownies! It was Olivia's first nite out with the girls as well, mom got a bit of a break cause she wasn't allowed to hold her all nite! It's funny how you can't wait to get out of the workplace and be with your baby and have that time off that you crave, and when you finally get it, you miss work and all the people and want to visit as often as possible, I certainly don't want to go back full time yet, but I miss the interaction with my favorite people.... funny!

And dad got the nite off and played guildwars with the boys, now he's dragged Dave in....sorry Carrie! He made steak for dinner on his new bbq that we put together friday nite, hahaha lol that was fun! We only got one cut each, but it was actually pretty simple to do, and it cooks great so Cy's happy. His manhood is restored, no more crappy, one super hot spot and the rest cold, hand me down bbq for him!

Look at me I'm 1 Month Old Already!!

Time fly's when your having fun, and we've been having A LOT of fun! Olivia is already one month old, I can't believe it! This first year is gonna fly by!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy Feet !!!

So We had been given a gift certificate by my coworkers, which we ended up combining with a donation by Jaime for a photo shoot. The gift certificate was from Fairytale Photography, which conveniently is the brainchild of a coworker of mine (I had no clue she did this!! She's Awesome!) So this past saturday we went and had our photo shoot. We had a great time and Michelle is very good at what she does. She made us feel so welcome and comfortable, even when Olivia peed on her bear skin rug! LOL. So these are just a couple of the 181 pictures that Michelle took (which she puts on CD for you, one set in color the other in black and white, no watermarks, ready for us to print when we choose....did I not tell you she's Amazing!) We reccomend her to anyone. Check out her website

Look Ma, No Hands!

Since Olivia has been pretty intent on holding her own head up lately (most of the time) I thought we'd give the bumbo a try. Low and behold she sits! (She looks like a grape! LOL) Well, kinda slouches actually but it's funny none the less. She's started cooing too. It was really funny when she made a rather loud coo and scared the crap outta herself, I laughed pretty hard. I thought it was normal how alert she is, aparently it's not, or at least all these strangers keep saying she's so alert, um, ok, sure, it's called being awake. But either way, she's quite content to sit on my lap and look around, but then she has to be turned around so she can see me too, cause she'll end up pushing her head all the way back so she can see me. She's enjoying Grey's Anatomy (yes, I've become a Grey's Anatomy addict, this whole being at home with not much to do thing is a really good way to catch up on seasons past, but really bad cause no housework gets done, sorry Cy!) Olivia likes Dr McDreamy (So does her mom!) On January 5th she had her second check-up & all was well, she weighed in at 8 lbs and 9 ounces WOO HOO! She's just starting to outgrow her newborn clothes so we're getting to use some of the fabulous 0 to 3 month clothes YAY!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sleepy Puppies

The dogs have been busy protecting Olivia (when she cries, they bark, so she cries harder, so they bark louder, hahaha) So here they are taking a break, it looks more like a pile of fur than two dogs, but they're both there.

Wide Awake and Squawking!

It's official, she's a squawker....just like her mom! She talks so loud there's no denying that she's mine! (not that I would, she's too cute) LOL. She's lifting her head on her own all the time, she prefers to see you when she's being burped, staring at the back of the couch or a wall is no fun when she could look you in the eye and burp in your face instead! (Formula burps = baaaad breath!) She's also a squirmer, trying to change her is a challenge, she's to busy pushing herself all over the change table and contorting her body so it won't fit back into her sleeper LOL.


Olivia's First Bath....

I'm finally getting around to posting pics of Olivia's first bath. She's SO cute, but I'm biased!