Since Olivia has been pretty intent on holding her own head up lately (most of the time) I thought we'd give the bumbo a try. Low and behold she sits! (She looks like a grape! LOL) Well, kinda slouches actually but it's funny none the less. She's started cooing too. It was really funny when she made a rather loud coo and scared the crap outta herself, I laughed pretty hard. I thought it was normal how alert she is, aparently it's not, or at least all these strangers keep saying she's so alert, um, ok, sure, it's called being awake. But either way, she's quite content to sit on my lap and look around, but then she has to be turned around so she can see me too, cause she'll end up pushing her head all the way back so she can see me. She's enjoying Grey's Anatomy (yes, I've become a Grey's Anatomy addict, this whole being at home with not much to do thing is a really good way to catch up on seasons past, but really bad cause no housework gets done, sorry Cy!) Olivia likes Dr McDreamy (So does her mom!) On January 5th she had her second check-up & all was well, she weighed in at 8 lbs and 9 ounces WOO HOO! She's just starting to outgrow her newborn clothes so we're getting to use some of the fabulous 0 to 3 month clothes YAY!
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