Olivia loves bath times, but she really enjoys being cuddled up in her soft pooh robe when she's all squeeky clean. Ahh the joy of being a baby, eh!
Lovely weather isn't it??? Blah! That's it, we're packing up and moving somewhere warm!
It's been a very busy week for Olivia, she had a visit with her Maw-maw on monday (spelling of that I'm not sure, sorry. Maw-Maw is Grandma Luu) and then tuesday mom had her 6 week check-up, all is well, mom is normal....woo hoo! Then thursday she had a very very busy day, she had a Dr's appt in the morning, she's now 22" long and 11 lbs and 4 1/2 ounces! Then we took a trip to moms workplace to visit everyone, she was VERY interested in Uncle Mark, she couldn't quite figure out what he was! LOL. Then Olivia and mom went to her first Movie with Michelle, Alyssa, Johanne and Sylvie-Anne (sorry for the spelling guys, I suck at it!) We went and saw Catch and Release, it was a really cute movie and I think Olivia enjoyed it, she slept thru most of it tho.
And now we're just gonna vegg at home for the weekend cause we had such a whirlwind week...whew!
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