So this weekend has been a very social weekend for Olivia and us. Friday we were at Auntie Jenn and Uncle Trev's place with Auntie Em for dinner and she met Iggy face to face.
And then on Saturday we had Auntie Amanda and Uncle Ryan over for dinner, Olivia likes Amanda but she's not so sure of Ryan...LOL, sorry Ry, had to show it.

We had a really good week too. We went and met up with Yoga Jen and her little guy Jasper for coffee on Wednesday and then we went for a visit to Airdrie to see Auntie Renee and Danni. Then yesterday we went to the Mom & Tot fair. What a great place, not very stroller friendly, but great products and nic-nacks. Grandma Favreau bought Olivia a fabulous black hoodie with a Gun's n Roses type picture on the back that says "It's all about me right now" and she also bought her a pair of baby banz sunglasses. Daddy says she looks like a thug, I say biker babe! We'll post pictures when we have them.
Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
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