So I've been working on the cereal with Olivia for breakfast cause she's so intent on watching us when we eat, she p

ays very close attention to our forks going from our plates to our mouth. So during breakkie one morning I took some pictures, as you can tell it was a happy morning and she was enjoying her food, well she enjoyed making a mess with it anyway. Olivia is getting bigger and more active everyday. She's SO close to rolling over, her arm is the only thing stopping her from going all the way over, she can't figu

re out how to move it out of the way yet. And she's starting to get a bit more balance when she's sitting, she wobbles her head to keep her balance, it's like having my own bobble head! LOL But she's still not ready to sit quite yet, she lasts for about 5 seconds before she topples to one side or another.
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