Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The last week and a half.....

Instead of doing a bunch of posts I'm just gonna do one big one to update everyone, it's been a busy week and a half since our last post. Cy's gone back to work and we're coping.....I'm coping....kind of...LOL. We're adjusting well, Carter is FINALLY done his growth spurt so the cluster feeding has stopped, both liv and I are happy that he's no longer on my lap every 45 minutes!!!! :) These are some picures of our happenings:

Olivia driving her cozy coupe that my sister handed down to us, Liv LOVES her car!!!

Checking to make sure she has enough gas.

My little awake man.

The monster mash! LOL

Typical Olivia lately, she's rather put out by her brother. This too shall pass...right???? LOL

Carter watching his fishies swim around his head.

Olivia showing Carter how to use my cell phone

Carter trying to eat my cell phone.

Olivia giving Carter the finer points of multi-tasking the cell phone and the remote control.

Cyrus showing Olivia how to make whistle noises with grass

Olivia trying to make whistle noise with the grass...LOL!!

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