Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mish Mash of the last couple weeks

Once again I find myself behind on posts, so here is a mish mash of the last couple weeks at the Mak house.

My little teething man, no teeth yet but they're wigglin around a lot!

My bucket princess

She's noticed that I have the camera and I said no she can't have it.

Tantrum in overdrive!

My little bouncing prince!

Um, the tiara is a bit big, looks kinda like a pink fluffy beard! LOL

Girly Star Trek ?????

70's Era????

Trying to figure out what the heck is hanging from his face!

Safety Girl! Playing with daddy's safety glasses

Little Miss Serious!

Dressing Carter in her flashy shoes

She shoved them on pretty good but he didn't seem to complain

Perfect! Just don't tell daddy! LOL

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