I was so happy to get this picture of one of the Koala's, the keeper said this was more than most people were getting, they're only really active in the early mornings so most people just get to see their backs.
The tree kangaroo that I want, SO CUTE!
The baby gorilla
There were jr high school kids at the zoo that day and some of them were standing by the gorillas and laughing and the gorilla either liked it or disliked it, and he'd pound on the glass, I'd never seen that before, Olivia got scared by how excited he got.
We have the same picture of Cy and Olivia in the same spot when she was about that age, so I couldn't resist. The mist is so pretty!
The kids LOVED the "phones" olivia kept looking for buttons to push.
The scary BIG cochroach that was skittering around, bleh!
One of the turtles taking a walk.
The kids checking out the giraffes
The adorable new baby Red River Hogs, they're SOOO cute!!
Giraffe having a snack
Mr. Hippo
Pretty blue birds in the Giraffe/Hippo house.
Olivia trying to call the birds on the phone
A goose impersonating a flamingo
Carter cried at the elephants, they scared him for some reason.
The closest we could get to the stingrays
ugh, can't remember, which monkeys these are!
Mr. Tiger, the second we entered the back entrance of the zoo Olivia remembered the tigers and she was yelling for them, it was fantastic!
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