Carters first train ride (out of mommy's tummy) and Olivia's second, they loved watching everything fly by, and Olivia kept asking "what's that noise?" every time the train would bing for the next stop! LOL
Little cowboy!
Watching the world go by...
Carter was ok with riding the pony, but Olivia would have nothing to do it with!
Cutest little piglets!! We all wanted to take one home till we saw the 4 month old pig beside them was HUGE already! LOL
Playing in the canola seeds, great idea for a "sand box" instead of sand!
Customary milk & cookies....aka(milk and wagon wheels)
These Clydwsdales were beatiful....ginormous but beautiful, look how tiny Olivia is compared to him, hahaha look how tiny CY is compared to him!!!
So Cute, Olivia called this pretty horsey a giraffe!!! hahaha.
Checking out the livestock
Cy was all for Liv jumping up on the Armed Forces Helicopter to take pictures
And here she is sitting in the cockpit of the CF-18, Grandpa eat your heart out!
My wonderful husband hamming it up with a warhead!
hahahaha, I couldn't help but sneak this picture, I'm sure there's a reason for this nice gentleman sitting in the penn reading a newspaper but it was funny nonetheless!
All I could think was, poor cow!!!
Riding the merry go round
Liv loved the slides, as soon as we got to the bottom she started heading for the stairs yelling again again!!!!
We wanted to play a couple games with the kids so we did some fishing and then we did this one, mommy helped Olivia win two sqeaky hammers for her and Carter.
The hammers have spent A LOT of time in the basement, it didn't take long before tears were had on both sides!!! LOL
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