Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Yeh Yeh

We had Cy's dad over for dinner for his Birthday last weekend, here are a couple pictures of him playing with the kids.

he had olivia in stiches, she kept giving him needles and he'd say ouch and she's dissolve into giggles.

Carter loves the "pah pah pah" (that's what they call the stethoscope) and when Yeh Yeh was using it he laughed and laughed!

First Pumpkin Hunt!

Two weeks ago we went on our first pumpkin hunt at Butterfield acres, we've heard lots about it and it was well worth the wait! The kids had a great time and we ended up with the best weather of the month, so no complaints here!

Daddy and Carter on the hayride

Mommy and Olivia on the hayride

Self family portrait

Carter finding his pumpkin

He tried to carry it but it weighed almost half as much as he does! LOL

Olivia finding her pumpkin

Showing off their finds

Proud pumpkin hunter

a bit confuzed but enjoying himself nonetheless hahaha.

we got to decorate the pumpkins instead of cutting them up, makes them last longer! We covered them with colored pasta, feathers, cotton fluff and twigs and paper.

more decorating, carter really just wanted to play with the glue! LOL

While the pumpkins dried we wandered around the farm, Carter loved the wheelbarrow, he kept trying to pick it up and pull out all the hay.

Trying her best to move it.

Still trying....

Me and my piglets

Daddy and his piglets

Carter picked up every possible stick he could find and gave them all to mommy.

Olivia loved playing on their neat swings.

Cy made me take a picture of this duck with bad beadhead! LOL

Carter looking for the bunnies

They loved the bunnies

First Snowfall of the season!!!

We had our first skiff of snow this month, I love the first couple snowfalls of the season, it gets me so excited for the holidays!!!

The kids checking out the snow, Olivia asked if she could bring out her pool and bathing suit and go outside in the snow! LOL.

Redneck Thanksgiving

Every year we have a family get together for thanksgiving, but both sides of the family were sick this year so we had our very first Mak Family Thanksgiving, which we dubed Redneck Turkey Day. We bought one of those prestuffed easy carve turkeys and make all the fixings we really enjoy. It turned out to be a fabulous dinner, and we didn't have to give away any leftovers, I think in the future we'll continue our newfound tradition in addition to our extended family get togethers!

Our set table with my beautiful fall flowers

Our easy carve turkey in a box! LOL

The finished product, tasted great, nice and moist and cooked in a mere 3.5 hours!

Our yummy gravy, garlic noodles and broccoli casserole...mmmmm.

My favorite thanksgiving utensil, my pumpkin shaped gravy boat!!

So thankful for my little Family!

Helping out in the kitchen

The other day when I was making dinner and the kids were underfoot, so I gave them some cans and their choice of utensils and asked them to open the cans for me....hahahaha. Carter chose the can opener cause he'd watched mommy open a can a couple minutes before and Olivia chose the mellon baller! hahaha.

October Sillyness

We've had a very busy month, but I've managed to take a lot of pictures! LOL So this is just a smattering of them.

Two barrels of monkeys!

Carter got so frustrated trying to get himself AND the keyboard into the bucket, LOL

A techie in the making!

hahaha my little man and his cool ponytail held with an orange flower elastic! LOL Guess we should be getting him an itty bitty trim!

These 3D glasses have been thru everything, and now they're Carters favorite accessory!

HEY!!! (he's mad cause mommy took the glasses off)

hahaha, whenever he wears them he juts out his chin and comes nose to nose with you, don't know why but so cute!

Fruit loop fun! Olivia puts everything on her fingers (just like mommy), rasberries, olives and now her fruit loops! LOL

"Pretty mommy!"

My own Corey Heart!

Hiding from the paparazzi!

Cool Cats!