Daddy and Carter on the hayride
Mommy and Olivia on the hayride
Self family portrait
Carter finding his pumpkin
He tried to carry it but it weighed almost half as much as he does! LOL
Olivia finding her pumpkin
Showing off their finds
Proud pumpkin hunter
a bit confuzed but enjoying himself nonetheless hahaha.
we got to decorate the pumpkins instead of cutting them up, makes them last longer! We covered them with colored pasta, feathers, cotton fluff and twigs and paper.
more decorating, carter really just wanted to play with the glue! LOL
While the pumpkins dried we wandered around the farm, Carter loved the wheelbarrow, he kept trying to pick it up and pull out all the hay.
Trying her best to move it.
Still trying....
Me and my piglets
Daddy and his piglets
Carter picked up every possible stick he could find and gave them all to mommy.
Olivia loved playing on their neat swings.
Cy made me take a picture of this duck with bad beadhead! LOL
Carter looking for the bunnies
They loved the bunnies
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