Carter and Daddy were playing soccer with his new mini soccer ball, the second shot is hilarious, the first shot you can see Carter wearing his special silver sparkly soccer cleat! LOL
We registered Olivia in her first Dance class, she's been talking about it for weeks, so this saturday was her first class, and it turns out she's being taught by Miss Michelle, the same instructor we did Salsa Babies with, she's awesome! Needless to say Liv had a great time and has been showing us some of her dance moves all weekend.
We had a great weekend with the kids these last couple days, today we pulled out the Crazy Forts kit, we made the kids a cuddly little igloo, or at least it looked like one. They had a blast crawling in and out and playing games. Even Mom, Dad and the dogs got in on the fun. We had the first fort in the family room, the kids even at their lunch on the floor while watching tv in it, we just created a "sun roof" so they could see the tv above them!
This is crazy fort number two, we wanted to reclaim our family room so we moved it into the playroom but made it a bit taller so they could stand up and have a proper door to walk thru.
During the Olympics Olivia fell in love with speed skating and every time it was on she'd tell us that she wanted to do that, and skate fast fast fast in circles and then she'd list everyone she knew and they'd come and watch her. Then she saw the medal ceremonies and proclaimed MOMMY I WANT ONE OF THOSE!!! So I asked her how she would get one, thinking she would say Skating, hockey (another sport both her and Carter fell in love with), etc. No no, she looks at me with the sweetest face any 3 year old can muster and says " Mommy may I have a medal please?" LOL. SO I just had to make up some medals and we had an Olympic Medal Ceremony, the kids had so much fun, Liv wore hers for days, even to the grocery store! LOL.