So Olivia spends most of her time talking now, we have many conversations a day. She likes to tell me stories, and likes to correct me when I'm doing something wrong. When the fishies on her swing stop moving she yells at them, and she's always talking to her puppies. She's growing so fast now, it's like she's changing every day!
She also likes to try and grab at things, my hair being first priority (those little fingers can pull VERY hard!) she plays with the dangly puppies on her car seat, and is even trying to put them in her mouth!
Cy started his new job last week, he's really enjoying it. I like it cause he's so close to home, his commute went from 30 - 40 mins down to 10 mins!
Nothing really new with me, I'm enjoying being a stay at home mom, getting into the groove of hanging out with other mommies at Starbucks (just like when I was at work, cept I can dress in sweats and I have baby drool all over me! LOL)
(She loves daddy kisses, really, she does! LOL)