The kids got to stay up late tonight cause we took them for hair cuts after supper, they each got a sucker when they were done. Liv bit hers after 2 minutes of sucking on it, she's always biting her suckers and eating her snacks WAY before Carter, he likes to take his time and enjoy the little things. So I was trying to get him to finish his sucker cause it was getting late and was time for bed, and he adamantly said "I won't bite it!" "come on Carter it's time for bed" "no mommy, I'm not biteing it!" so another 5 minutes of him fidgeting and being silly, then finally Olivia came downstairs in her pj's and all ready for bed, and he said "ok mommy, I can bite it now!" LOL We're learning that Carter's got a very strong will and likes to do things his way.
The kids have been talking about camping lately and so tonight they decided they would go camping in the kitchen under the table LOL. They were ready with books, blankies, pillows, stuffies, everything but food! LOL
Jen and I got together to watch the Royal Wedding and we made it a PJ and hair piece party. I had so much fun creating the hair pieces it was ridiculous!
This was our almost popcorn fire, I've never had one burn completely thru in less than two minutes!!