We've had some pretty fun days around the house lately, so I figured I'd show you them via a billion pictures, ok just a couple but it seems like a lot.

Olivia's doing really well on her tummy time lately and her neck is getting stronger so we've taken to putting her in an assortment of seats. She likes being in her high chair and watching mom make her bottles in the morning, although it seems to me that she's done with the bottles and is ready for solids in this picture (whaddya mean I've gotta wait a couple more months!!!)

And yesterday we decided to bring up her bouncy car from the basement. I wanted to see if she'd like it, as you can see, she did. Of course we had to do a bit of tweaking, there's a tupperware container underneath her feet so they reach and she's padded to the hilt with blankets (we call those baby air bags LOL) so she wont wobble all over.

Otherwise mom and dad are doing ok, mom's still trying to get over this bug she's got, and dad is still pouting because the Flames lost on saturday.