Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No Longer A Newborn

I took this picture yesterday, Carter was 5 weeks & 5 days old, he no longer looks like a newborn! It went by so fast I can't believe it, I'm sad but looking forward to the next stages too.


Yesterday Liv jumped up on the automan while Carter was playing and decided to share her granola snack, she put one of he snacks in each of his hands and he was waving his hands around all was smiles. It was too cute!

At The Cabin

We went to Buffalo Lake this past weekend with friends and had a great time.

This is Carters first time in the water, SO not happy! LOL

Olivia riding the boogie board.

Daddy & Olivia making sand castles

Carter staying warm at the camp fire in his bear suit

This is Liv's first marshmallow roast, she really enjoyed it, sadly my camera died before she ate it, but thankfully Sunny caught the rest on his camera.

Blowing on it cause it's hot.

Trying to eat it.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Family Pictures

We had some family pictures done with Michelle at Fairytale Photography, she did our newborn photos with Olivia too. She does a great job and we're so excited to share them with everyone. And mommy can't wait to scrapbook them too!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Carter and Nicholas

We had Jen & Nicholas over for a visit and took a couple pictures of them. They're 24 days apart, you can definately see carters perma-tan thanks to daddy's genes. We even had them display their love of the Wii!

Canada Day Weekend BBQ

We had some friends over for an impromptu bbq on the Canada Day weekend. First bbq of he season, many more to come!

Dave playing with Danika, he didn't know I was taking pictures.


Cy, Mark & Dave having some popsicles

Danika and Carrie after a failed attempt at a dip in the pool, Danika was NOT happy!

Uncle Sunny and Aunt Kitty with Olivia

Olivia checking on Carter

Megan cooling herself in the pool.

Yoda Dani

Taylor, Megan & Olivia in the pool.

Dave sharing his potato skin with Dani

Taylor and Olivia

Uncle Sunny and Aunt Kitty with Carter

Amanda and Carrie

Proud papa Ryan and Bryce

Proud papa Dave and Dani

I still can't believe Bryce is walking, what a cutie!

Bryce playing in the pool he got SOAKED and seemed to love every minute of it!