Monday, November 06, 2006

9 Days of work left!

So today is my 9th last day of work, and thank goodness!!! I don't think I can take the train any longer, people are SO rude, pushing and shoving to get in the doors, let alone the fact that pregnant women are completely ignored and barely ever get a seat!!! (sorry bone of contention there) Other than that training my replacement is going well, it's always hard to hand over your job to someone else who's obviously going to do it differently, but the work is getting done and that's all that matters right! Cy and I have hopefully found a dayhome for next year, there's someone opening one up in our neighborhood next June (seeing as we don't need one till next December! But everyone keeps telling me to look early) so we'll be doing some interviews with her to see how we like everything and hopefully we'll have a dayhome set up by the end of this year...YAY!!! Speaking of the end of the year....well kinda, it's only 48 days till Christmas! Everyone have their shopping started? We've started but nowhere near done! haha. Guess we should get that done early, just in case huh?


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