Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ahh Yes, That Nesting Instinct...

Ok, so I've come to a conclusion. I've finally realized why women always go crazy before the baby comes with this whole "Nesting Instinct"..... It's because they're SO insanely bored!!!!

I had monday off and cy didn't so I figured, ahhhh a nice day to relax and do nothing.....ummm ya NO!! I had this urge to clean EVERYTHING because I was so bored, daytime tv sucks, the dogs can only have so many walks in one day and I can only spend so much time shopping for baby stuff (ok that can keep going, but eventually I'll run out of money) but staying at home with no baby to care for's almost a punishment! And with tomorrow looming as my last day at work, I'm starting to get a bit uneasy. I guess there's still the rest of the house to be scoured (I only got to two bathrooms on monday, but damn they're clean!!! LOL) But honestly...i've started praying that this little munchkin comes sooner rather than later, if not I might just show up at your door with a mop and a bucket!!

Have a Fantabulous Day Everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you can always come over and clean our house up :) He he he