Wednesday, September 08, 2010

New Boots and a Halloween Party!

I did my back to school shopping for live a while ago, and I hid the bags in my closet, so this morning when I took them out I found there were a couple things I'd totally forgotten that I'd bought. Carter had a bunch of new shirts and each of the kids had a new pair of winter rubber boots, oops!

The new boots

Carters are little dragons with fins on the front and a tail sticking out the back, he wore them all day and even brought them up to my bed and put them under my pillow when I was getting ready LOL.

Liv loves her "fancy" boots, they're fuzzy inside and "very cool"!

Liv picked up my New Canadian Family magazine I got, she saw the halloween stuff on the cover and started picking out all the spooky food she wants me to make, I feel a Halloween Party coming on!

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